Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Tisket, A Tasket

My focus right now is on attacking the "holding zones" around here. I want to make my spaces more useful and more tidy. On Sunday, I attacked the top of the fridge. I started storing treats up there when Bub started hauling kitchen chairs to the counter and trying to climb up to get to stuff and busted through the safety knob on the pantry to help himself in there as well. Then, it just became my habit to start storing all kinds of food above the fridge: boxes of cereal, multiple boxes of crackers, bags of chips, pretzels, candy, infant rice cereal, leftover Halloween candy. It looked like a bulimic's buffet up there.

On Sunday, I threw out the expired/stale stuff and divided the rest into snack bags and placed them in a large basket. When we're on our way out, I can grab a snack to go. If we eat one at home, I can pour it into a bowl and then throw the baggie back in the basket to be filled again. There's another basket that continues to house potty treats.

I wish I had a before and after shot for you. I offer instead an after (not the best picture, but the best I could do with the camera on my laptop) and a glimpse of another holding zone--the area above our toaster oven. Take the level of disorder and visual junkiness in the above-the-toaster zone and multiply it times fifty and you will have a sense of how chaotic things were above the fridge.


LAP said...

"It looked like a bulimic's buffet up there." Enjoyed that line.

Really impressed with the pre-assembled snack bags.

CaraBee said...

I am a big fan of consolidating things in baskets. Unfortunately, in my house the baskets become disasters, too. There is no hope for me.