Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chick, Chicken, and Chick Peas

"Use It!" (Almost)

You know how women's magazines and lifestyle experts give helpful tips about using just a "couple" of hours on Sunday to get your healthy meals all lined up for the week? With the best of intentions, I just did the following in just a couple of minutes:

* threw some frozen chicken breasts into a ziploc to defrost in the fridge -- took about two minutes, but this is a task that I rarely muster the motivation to initiate.

* rinsed two cups of chick peas and put them in cold water to soak overnight -- have two different recipes that involve chick peas that I have been meaning to try, and purchased said chick peas about three months ago with these recipes in mind.

Check back to see how this chick fares with the chick peas and the chicken.


Actchy said...

I love chick peas, and am curious to hear about your adventure with them. Also, this post inspired me to withdraw the remaining ham bone from my freezer. In the event that I get to the grocery store today, split pea soup is on the horizon.

E... said...

So, I'm guessing these are not canned chick peas? B/C I have some canned ones that I was not planning to have to do this kind of prep for. I have about four different kinds of canned beans in my pantry, b/c I'm worried about N's protein intake, but haven't come up with that many creative uses for them.