Saturday, January 31, 2009


"Use It!"
A few years ago, I was really into wearing my pedometer and trying to get my daily 10,000 steps. I liked having the extra incentive to move more throughout the day. When I heard Dr. Oz* recommend getting more steps in to the obese teens on this week's Oprah, I thought to myself, "I need to start wearing my pedometer again." I found it (miraculous) but discovered it did not work. I thought it could be a battery problem, but wasn't sure. I was tempted to order a new one from Amazon. A new pedometer would cost about $15, but a new battery might cost $9 (exorbitant cost of special-sized battery purchased to put in the Barney Piano book of Bub's that cost a quarter at the church toddler sale). I hated to think that I would shell out for the new battery and find the pedometer problem had nothing to do with the battery. Anyway, I looked at CVS and realized the battery I needed was only $5. Sold. I put the battery in, and the pedometer is up and running . . . or rather walking.

*I am kind of annoyed by Dr. Oz but am not quite sure why.


CaraBee said...

My phone serves as a pedometer. Unfortunately, the pajamas I generally spend the first half of my day in don't have any pockets, so I don't have any idea how many steps I really take. I guess the answer to that would be to get dressed (gasp!) first thing in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I DVR Oprah and watch regularly. I understand the need for the medical profession to not sugarcoat (no pun intended) the poor health of those obese kids. But Dr. Oz was particularly condescending to those kids. Several comments he made truly lacked compassion.