Monday, August 10, 2009


"Lose It!"
* Rachael Ray's 30-Minute GET REAL Meals cookbook -- I enjoy Rachael, and I'm sure I'd enjoy her food if she were to prepare it for me. What I find, however, is that I never feel like trying her recipes when I read them, only when I've seen her prepare them first. Plus, the GET REAL cookbook is a strange, pseudo-low carb thing that seems a little forced. Don't get me wrong though, this is not a diss to R squared.

Cookbook Challenge: 15 down/38 to go


E... said...

I know what you mean about her cookbooks -- I have the 365 day one, and it is simply overwhelming to me. I always thought it was just the format (tons of "variations on a theme" recipes), but maybe it's her writing style in general. I also have lots of good dishes in my repertoire from her, but directly from the show, not the book.

Actchy said...

I also got rid of Get Real during the move. How on earth I ever came to own a low-carb cookbook is beyond me. I think my issue with her recipes is that they are exactly what I do when I decide to open the fridge and use most of its contents in a one-pot meal. I don't need Rachel to tell me how to use up a quarter cup of ketchup, the nub of a block of cheese, and some ground beef.