Monday, June 15, 2009


"Use It!"
* miniature cookie sheet thing
Before our wedding, my husband and I registered for a toaster oven. "We" also registered for two miniature cookie sheet type pans that fit inside the toaster oven. I think someone had told me, "Oh, they're great. You can use them to bake just a few cookies in the toaster oven." Um, I don't have the foresight to have cookie dough just waiting in my fridge or freezer, and I certainly don't have the willpower to limit myself to a few cookies if I've gone to the trouble of making some cookie dough. Anyway, I have pretty much ignored those miniature pans.

We ran out of foil yesterday, and so when I started making my pizza bagel for breakfast this morning, I was like, "Damn, no foil. I'm foiled. Now, the cheese will fall off and burn and the toaster oven will start smoking." But then, I thought about that little cookie sheet, placed my bagel on it, and was good to go. In fact, I don't think I'll need to use foil in the toaster oven anymore. I can use this little pan instead. Woo hoo.

"Lose It!"
* one orange platter -- lovely, but not mine
Speaking of bridal registries, I attended a shower on Saturday. Along with my gift, I brought the bride-to-be a platter that she left at my house two years ago and that I have had ever since in spite of having it washed and on the counter on at least three occasions when she has been at my house and in spite of seeing her person many other times in the past two years.


Anonymous said...

It always feels good to get something crossed off your list. I have a feeling your friend has not missed said platter. As far as using little pan, very green of you. m

Actchy said...

That's just like that friend of yours.

Sue and Randy said...

Seriously, a pizza bagel for breakfast! I'm impressed. I haven't has one of those since PE food service days--I'll have to try one soon, but probably not for breakfast.