Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oink, oink, your time is up.

"Lose It!"
* cracked carcass of Bub's piggy bank -- the piggy bank did not survive (at least, did not survive intact) a recent drop. Its sentimental and monetary value does not warrant attempting to glue the pieces together again. However, it's faceless self has just been resting on top of our china cupboard for about ten days now. I am trying to be better about not overlooking these kinds of the things. Tonight, I am going to transfer the money (and q tips?) from pork belly to ziploc bag. Heck, I might even lose those q tips, or maybe dust my keyboard with them first.

Anyone know where to get an inexpensive replacement pink piggy bank? Bub is clear that the pig must be pink.


Anonymous said...

Michaels has kits where you can decorate your own bank. Hub can go all pink or embellish with more. LAP

Anonymous said...

"Bub". LAP

Sue and Randy said...

If you ever want to break free from the classic pig, we just got Amanda a "trio bank" which has three banks in one--labeled for "spend", "save" and "give"--so whenever she gets money, she distributes between all three and we talk about the different things to do with money. Probably at Christmas time we will buy/donate a toy with the "give" portion.

Anonymous said...

Just saw a pink polka dot pig in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog. It wasn't cheap though, on sale for $29. As much as it is handled probably a bit too pricey. Can't believe the original price was $69 crazy. m

E... said...

I got one for N. via Amazon. Hers has polka dots, but pretty sure they had plain.