Friday, March 27, 2009

"It's like an extension of your purse."

The above is said with disgust by my husband in reference to our car. Encouraged and greatly assisted by my mom, I cleaned out our car this evening. I won't detail it all, but I "lost" a lot in the car clean-out--dvd cases, remote control for portable dvd player that died six months ago, a couple of golf balls that didn't look that nice to me, several happy meal toys, and many, many, many, many, many goldfish crackers.

Inspired by the clean car, I went ahead and cleaned out my purse and "lost" expired coupons of the sort printed out at the grocery story when you check out (coupons are for products I actually buy, but I almost never use them because I cannot find them in my messy purse), old receipts, eight hundred (feels like) Macy's coupons, capless and crusty chap stick, and many, many, many goldfish crackers.


cake said...

i cleaned our car out too! i realized i had not done this since we moved here a year and a half ago! and, we had NEVER washed the outside of the car (by hand) since cosmo was born. he was interesting in helping, for about five minutes. once he was wet, and cold, from the march wind, he was ready to go inside.

i have to say, a clean car interior makes me feel like i've really got my shit together.

cake said...

um, well, i meant to say "interested," not "interesting."