Sunday, February 8, 2009

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

"Lose It!"
* three sleep books -- I read many when Bub was a baby. I really did not care when he slept through the night, but I was desperate for him to begin taking regular naps that did not involve motion. In my experience, no parenting book "fits all." When I consult them, I tend get start a cycle of reading hoping for solutions and reassurance and often end up feeling more anxious and obsessive than when I started. I ultimately found a sleep book that was a keeper for my family. I know people who have had success with the books I'm tossing, but I know I probably won't need to consult them again.

If anyone out there is interested in these books, please let me know. I would be happy to send them media (super snail) mail. Leave a comment or send an email to mep at nottobrag dot net . . . If any mom is desperate as I once was, I hate to think of her being desperate and spending more money than she needs to.


The Blonde Lady said...

So...inquiring minds want to know: Which book actually worked for you?


Anonymous said...

MEP - would be interested in whether any of the techniques on napping worked. LLI is a good night-time sleeper (knock on wood), but this whole get-her-on-a-nap-schedule-thing is hard! We've got "Healthy Sleep Habits for a Happy Child" and I agree that it's probably made me more paranoid than anything (KR insists that I'm obsessed with LLI's sleeping)...Irv

cake said...

what is the book you kept????
i liked _the no cry sleep solution_, though i ended up just figuring out my own way, i thought it had a lot of good info.