Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back in Bin-ness

I was so bone tired last night that I turned in at just before 9:00 p.m in the hopes of catching up on my sleep. Those hopes were dashed when Little Bit woke up at 5:00 a.m., ready to party. As I was checking my email in the six o'clock hour, I realized I forgot to post yesterday. Ah well, I guess I will just have to "lose" the idea that I have to report on using or losing every single day in order for this project to be a success. I've been working on letting good enough be enough for years now . . .

Tonight during Big Love, I attacked a medium-sized yellow bin I keep in the downstairs bathroom closet. This closet is important, as it houses both boys' pajamas (they take their baths downstairs) as well as my toothbrush and toothpaste (I have been getting ready for bed downstairs ever since Bub was a baby for fear of waking him up -- the upstairs bathroom is right next to his room -- note that my husband fearlessly brushes his teeth upstairs every night). The bin was full of junk, and I gave it a good sort, which resulted in the following list:

"Lose It!"
* Items from yellow bin in bathroom: dried up travel package of make-up removal wipes, three toothbrushes (mine?), a spray bottle of water with defective sprayer, a candlestick (seriously), lid to type of baby bottle we no longer have due to BPA concerns, tube of Target diaper rash cream (oozes odd, yellow, soupy goo that I fear to put on my boys' bottoms), expired generic infant Tylenol, tape measure (not "lost" but relocated), package of staples (again, not "lost" but relocated), and some feminine products gunked together with globs of toothpaste (TMI?)

I am tempted to lose the sensitive teeth toothpaste I have because it leave behind the worst aftertaste EVER, but I'm going to hold on to it as I still intend to do a better job of maintaining the health of my teeth and uber-sensitive gums.

Okay, I'm off to brush right now.


Anonymous said...


Your post reminded me that you need to make a dentist appointment. I know you hate it but it is time.


CaraBee said...

Okay, I love T-Baby reminding you about your dentist appointment! We contemplated doing the same thing, brushing our teeth downstairs to avoiding waking Sophie, but in the end, we just said to heck with it and brush upstairs. Now she seems to sleep through it okay, although we do try to use the toilet downstairs before coming up to bed for the same reason. Someday I'll get full use of my bathroom again.